Coastal California
Flora and Fauna
Landscapes & Ranchlands
Small Works
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Lady Mountain, Zion
(Zion NP)
12 x 12
Spider Rock
Canyon de Chelly, AZ
36 x 48
Palm Pool Cool
Borrego Springs, CA
oil on linen, 30 x 24
Borrego Oasis
oil on linen, 16 x 20
Canyon Lake Bluffs, Arizona
Oil on linen, 16 x 20
Dawn Dune, Death Valley
12 x 36
Dune's Early Light
16 x 20
East Mitten Crossroads
12 x 12
Nature's Abstract
The Grand Canyon, AZ
30 x 30
Death Valley, Raven, Dawn, 16 x 20
Zuni Point Temples
Grand Canyon
12 x 12
Raven at Canyon Rim
Grand Canyon
12 x 12
The Last Laugh
Grand Canyon
12 x 12
Shadows on Temple of Zoroaster
The Grand Canyon, AZ
24 x 36
Gilded Temple of Zoroaster
The Grand Canyon, AZ
16 x 28 1/2
Navajo Blanket
18 x 24
Nunsense, Monument Valley
12 1/2 x 16 1/2
Snowclouds, Grand Canyon
15 1/2 x 25 1/2
Horseshoe Bend of the Grand Canyon
Colorado River, 24 x 36
Monument, El Capitan
north of Kayente, AZ
near Monument Valley
9 x 12
Road to Monument Valley
Sentinel Mesa
11 3/4 x 16 1/2
Shadow Splashed Tower
Grand Canyon , 12 x 12
Hole in the Wall
Canyon de Chelly, AZ
16 x 20
Tseyi Overlook,
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
18 x 24
Sunset Palisade
Grand Canyon, 8 x 8
Colorado from Pima Point
Grand Canyon
12 x 9
Left Mitten
Monument Valley
9 x 12
Bulwark, Monument Valley
9 x 12
Canyon de Chelly Cat
16 x 12