Linda Sorensen Paintings .com

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View Linda's work at her studio
located in Bodega Bay Heritage Gallery
1580 Eastshore Road
Bodega Bay, CA 94923 (MAP)

Thur-Sun 12:00-5:00 & by appointment

LL Sorensen Approaching Squall Point Reyes

LL Sorensen Approaching Squall Point Reyes with frame

Squall Approaching Point Reyes
Christmas Day, 2008
Oil on canvas, 16 x 20

Squall approaching Point Reyes Christmas Day 2008
This painting is based on an actual sky seen off Linda and Dan's deck in Bodega Bay on Christmas Day, 2008. This photo tried to take it all in, the unusually massive dark clouds encroaching on white poofy clouds and blue sky. Ever so faintly, you can make out the distant headlands of Point Reyes (20 miles distant) in the bottom left. We've not seen a sky like this in the twelve years since. -- Dan Rohlfing